We’ve Got You Covered.

Start with the right SightLane journey for you. Change any time.


Catch every unhandled Flow and Apex error automatically.

for everyone

  • Auto-Capture for Flows and Apex
  • Live Stream View
  • Historical Search
  • Real-Time Notifications
  • Team Solution Insights
  • Case / Monitor Matching
  • Unlimited Email Support
Get it Here


Build visibility into your Flows and easily audit runtime behavior and results.


  • Everything in Starter, plus…
  • Custom Flow Auditing
  • Conditional Monitoring
  • Intelligent Archive
  • Monitor Grouping
  • Default Team Notifications
  • Unlimited Phone Support
Get it Here


Track Apex logic and expose issues with integrations and external systems.


  • Everything in Plus…um…plus…
  • Apex Monitors
  • Scheduled / Batch Job Monitors
  • Integration Processing Monitors
  • SightLane REST API
  • Inbound Email Monitors
  • Unlimited Phone Support
Get it Here

SightLane Edition Comparison


SightLane Monitors NEW! Unlimited
SightLane Users Unlimited
Control Center View
Live Stream (Timeline) View
Quick Search
Email Notifications & Attachments 1 Per Monitor
In App Notifications 1 Per Monitor
Auto-Capture Flow and Apex Errors
Team Solution Insights
Case Monitor Auto-Matching New!


SightLane Monitors Unlmited
SightLane Users Unlimited
Control Center View
Live Stream (Timeline) View
Quick Search
Email Notifications & Attachments Unlimited
In App Notifications Unlimited
Auto-Capture Flow and Apex Errors
Team Solution Insights
Case Monitor Auto-Matching
Default Team Notifications
Drag and Drop Flow Components
Intelligent Archive & Purge
Create Cases from Monitors
Select Monitoring Frequency
One-Click Monitor Disable


SightLane Monitors Unlimited
SightLane Users Unlimited
Control Center View
Live Stream (Timeline) View
Quick Search
Email Notifications & Attachments Unlimited
In App Notifications Unlimited
Auto-Capture Flow and Apex Errors
Team Solution Insights
Case Monitor Auto-Matching
Default Team Notifications
Drag and Drop Flow Components
Intelligent Archive & Purge
Create Cases from Monitors
Select Monitoring Frequency
One-Click Monitor Disable
Apex Class Monitors
Apex Trigger Monitors
Scheduled and Batch Job Monitors
Integration Processing Monitors
Monitor External API Calls into Salesforce [SLAPI]
External Emails as Monitors [SLMAIL]

Still have questions? Contact us at support@sightlane.com